
Publié le 08 septembre 2005 Mis à jour le 08 septembre 2005

Manuale Typographicum - Manuel de typographie

To learn the BABA from the typography, this would be only to include/understand the significances and characteristic of the names of the bills of character and the applications for which they were conceived.


"art to handle the characters starts with the drawing of characters, extends to their combination in words and sentences to lead to page-setting of documents.

The choice of the character influences the interpretation of the text. It expresses an environment clearly and implies on behalf of the typographer a good knowledge of the "semantics" of the letters in order to use them advisedly."

The following table, illustrates the quality of information which you will find on the Planet site prints and in its handbook of typography Manuale Typographicum:

Romain characterClean with the expression of a certain classicism, a traditionnalism. Is appropriate very well for the literary, artistic or religious subjects. Ideal for a book or even a newspaper.Character Without SerifIs appropriate for the expression of the topicality, the scientific and technical language. Evoke the force, objectivity but also the coldness. Delicate to employ for the long texts too monotonous bus.Heavy typeSymbol of force, being able, energy but also of heaviness. Used in general for the titles.Light-faced letterSymbol of weakness, softness and elegance.Italic Capital letterSymbol of dynamism and imbalance.Tiny ItalicSymbol of movement, instability even of preciosity. It translates a closer relation with the reader in fact of his proximity with the handwritten writing. For a quotation.Character Capital letterSynonym of power, safety, an established nature. The capital gives majesty to a text. Be thus used for the titles, the headings, the advertisements.Tiny characterIts facility of reading which had with its harmonious proportions and in the case of the Romans of the footing who guide the?il made that  the tiny ones apply to any kind of long texts.GothicEvoke the Middle Ages, the religion, solemnity. Character historically connoted par excellence, the Gothic is used little if it is not for the diplomas and other certificates.ScripturalEvoke femininity, elegance. As the italic it is close to the handwritten writing. Usable for the quotations.

In short, whoever wishes to launch out in the field of the edition should at least learn the BABA from the typography, this would be only to include/understand the characteristics of the names of the bills of character which it uses and applications for which they were conceived.

With the index of Manuale Typographicum

  • Anatomy
  • Classification
    • Elzevirs
    • Didots
    • Egyptian women
    • Antiques
    • Humanes
    • Garaldes
    • Réales
    • Didones
    • Mécanes
    • Incidental clauses
    • Scriptes
    • Manuaires
    • Fractures
    • Uncial
    • Characters imagination and techniques
    • Dingbats
  • History
  • The Councils
    • Unit of style
    • Choice of the principal character
    • Titration
    • Emphase
    • Combination of the bills of character
    • The body of the character
    • Small capitals

Manuale Typographicum, in French.

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