
Publié le 31 août 2022 Mis à jour le 31 août 2022

Franstastique - Online French lessons for English speakers

Surrender to French with e-mail and online lessons !

Online French Lessons

Learn French daily with an e-mail, a story, and a personalized correction.

In each lesson, follow the adventures of Victor Hugo, Grand and Petite, as they explore the Francophone universe.

The courses are humorous, practical and include a wide variety of accents. The lessons are adapted for post-beginners (from 15 years old).

How make learning easy for you :

  1. A fun, daily e-mail
    Every day, you'll receive a selection of exercises, texts, dialogues, and mini-lessons in French. These include original stories and historical notes that match your level and objectives.
  2. Personal feedback
    Once you have sent your answers, you will receive a correction with your daily score, as well as personalized explanations and information.
  3. Intelligent lessons
    The course adapts to your wishes, needs, and learning speed. An artificial intelligence engine builds each lesson to focus on the points you struggle with, as well as the topics you've requested.


A fun & practical course

The lessons have a storyline, plenty of humor and cultural insights, and feature interesting and topical subjects.

Frantastique's teaching team works hard to create a learning environment which is not only stimulating, but also meets the needs and expectations of each users. The aim is to make the learning experience as enjoyable as possible!

Try Frantastique for 7 days free of charge

En savoir plus sur cette formation


Voir plus de formations de cette institution


  • Cursus - Langues

  • Cursus - Français


16A, Boulevard De Reuilly
75012 Paris

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