
Publié le 13 octobre 2005 Mis à jour le 13 octobre 2005

Cours sur PowerPoint

Learn all the easy ways from a successful presentation


Alain Pire of HENaC, High School of higher education in Belgium, already carried out a course on Dreamweaver 4 for his students. The site counts nearly 140.000 visits today.

It is finishing a similar site on PowerPoint created by means of Captivate de Marcromedia with which it made the majority of the lessons.

Its course animated on PowerPoint makes good use of the sound and the full screen. It declines:

  • Introduction
  • To create a news dia and to insert a zone of text
  • To insert a clipart in a dia
  • To insert an image of Internet
  • To insert an image and to modify the aspect of it
  • To use the tools of the bar of drawing
  • To modify the prime coat of a dia - part 1
  • To modify the prime coat of a dia - part 2
  • Execution of the diaporama
  • To insert buttons of navigation left 1
  • To insert buttons of navigation left 2
  • To insert transitions between the dias
  • To insert animations in the dias - part 1
  • To insert animations in the dias - part 2
  • To insert animations in the dias - part 3
  • To change the order of slides
  • To create a bond hypertext towards another dia
  • To create a bond towards an external site
  • To insert a basic music in a diaporama
  • To insert a text coming from Word
  • To insert a graph coming from Excel
  • To insert a portion of worksheet of Excel
  • Sauvergarder a diaporama as a Web page
  • To use the function schedule
  • To insert a narration in the diaporama

Learn all the easy ways from a successful presentation.

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