
Publié le 30 mars 2006 Mis à jour le 30 mars 2006

Loecsen : apprenez l’essentiel d’une langue rapidement et gratuitement.

A site to accompany the modern, mobile and open traveller quickly or to provide an interesting practice within the framework of an initiation to a language


The Loecsensite proposes practical expressions in several languages, in its and writing and this starting from French or of any of the 20 other languages presented.

The sentences are accompanied by images which illustrate current situations:

  • Expresions essential
  • Orientation
  • To make connaisance
  • Drinks
  • To be left
  • Geography

Each expression is read by a speaker of the language in question and is accompanied by its transcription.

One can vary the presentation, in a language or both, with or without the transcription written in one or the other language. Really formidable.

The whole in a pleasant presentation and of an exemplary intuitive navigation, very beautiful work.

In short, a site to accompany the modern, mobile and open traveller quickly or to provide an interesting practice within the framework of an initiation to a language since one can make ravel the expressions automatically.

Languages presented

  • German
  • Chinese
  • Breton
  • English
  • Japanese
  • Dane
  • Korean
  • Estonian
  • Spaniard
  • French
  • Italian
  • Netherlander
  • Hungarian
  • Swede
  • Czech

    Languages approached, but without sound.

  • Greek
  • Roumanian
  • Arab (Morocco)

Diwezhat eo! Mount has rankan! (It is late I must go there)... in which language?

Discover it on the Loecsensite

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