
Publié le 13 décembre 2005 Mis à jour le 13 décembre 2005

Apprendre le vietnamien en vous amusant

This site constitutes an excellent initiation and will effectively accompany a remote course or in class.


" To learn Vietnamese while amusing to you" is a site carried out by Thi Thu ha TRAN, Formative-Conceptrice multi-media and e-learning and doctorante in Sciences of the language at the university Grenoble III and Gilles Robin for the programming part.

The invoice is stripped, effective and the site is carried out in Flash.

All the Vietnamese expressions or words on the site are accompanied by the sound. Click on the words or sentences to listen to them.

The approach is founded on the repetition: at the beginning you do not include/understand anything of what you hear nor of what you say, but at force exercises and of training of the words, you manage to include/understand the principles and the bases.

Vietnamese is the only Asian language to use the Latin alphabet... what favours us much to learn it. This site constitutes an excellent initiation and will effectively accompany a remote course or in class.

To learn Vietnamese by amusing you

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