
Publié le 03 septembre 2003 Mis à jour le 03 septembre 2003


One finds there a course of grammar, a course of civilization, debates resulting from collaboratif work from Monique Lee and Bernadette Cierzniak accompanied by an ABC of the comment, a various series of tests, Russian dictionaries on line, a glossary French-Russian of the relations Russia-Council of Europe-NATO, information on the country and his inhabitants and a virtual Cyrillic keyboard.


The site of Bernadette Cierzniak, professor of Russian at the Schools of Coëtquidan, Memorusse proposes a mine of information on the Russian language and civilization. One finds there a course of grammar , a course of civilization , debates resulting from collaboratif work from Monique Lee and Bernadette Cierzniak accompanied by an ABC of the comment, a various series of tests, Russian dictionaries on line, a glossary French-Russian of the relations Russia-Council of Europe-NATO, information on the country and his inhabitants and a virtual Cyrillic keyboard.

Finely course of language

  • Predicative, adjectival adjectives and substantivized participles.
  • Aspect of the verb
  • Bases of Russian grammar on line
  • Complement of object after the negation
  • Numbers
  • Numbers 2 Percentages and fractions
  • Numbers 3 Made up Words
  • Numbers 4 Variation of the numeral ones
  • Current names not forming plural
  • Participles
  • Accentuated negative particle
  • Prepositions
  • Verbs of displacement
  • Verbs: particular syntax

Finely course of civilization: The elite in Russia of the XIXe century at our days

  • Introduction
  • History of Russia until the end of the XVIIIe century
  • Before 1917
  • The USSR and afterwards?
  • Complementary documents
  • Personalities
  • Bibliography
  • Various tests


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