
Publié le 21 février 2008 Mis à jour le 21 février 2008

Petit guide à l’usage des hôteliers-restaurateurs et de leurs webmestres

Useful and realistic recommendations for each of the four targeted handicaps (visual, driving, auditive, cognitive)


The goal of this guide is to sensitize the actors of tourism to the accessibility of their Web sites, as well as the webmasters which work for them. Because if the taking into account of the physical accessibility of the hotels with restaurants becomes little by little a reality, the Web sites remain largely not very concerned of the technical accessibility and the diffusion of information adapted to the four principal handicaps and the seniors. The hotel-restorers would have to however gain much to grant a minimum of attention to customers who benefit more and more from their time to travel.

« Ce guide commence par des conseils généraux qui amélioreront l’accessibilité d’un site pour l’ensemble des visiteurs ainsi que sa visibilité pour les moteurs de recherche.

Then councils are given specifically for each of the four targeted handicaps (visual, driving, auditive, cognitive)?/? It is difficult to be exhaustive, so much the problem of accessibility is complex and continuously prone to debates.

This guide thus stops with useful and realistic recommendations, which very often will or not make the happiness of all the visitors, handicapped, and without to degrade the site and to push back the people nonconcerned.

.../... A third part recapitulates the whole of the councils given, in order to quickly be able to evaluate an existing site or to check that the various points were taken into account when designing site. Lastly, the fourth part gives references impossible to circumvent as regards numerical accessibility and of the handicap. »

The guide is available in French to format pdf (soon in English). Its diffusion is free, according to terms’ of the licence Creative Commons (By-Nc-Its).  To download the guide:

Small guide with the use of the hotel-restorers and their Webmasters (pdf) by Jerome Combaz, CRY ? Greta of Velay

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