
Publié le 04 décembre 2003 Mis à jour le 04 décembre 2003

Le Braille en noir


The Method of training of the integral Braille intended for the people who see was conceived by Mrs. Evelyne KOMMER, professor at the National Institute of the Young Blind men of Paris (INJA).

The training of the Braille includes/understands two degrees:

  • the integral Braille which consists in writing a text letter with letter;
  • the Braille shortened which makes it possible to obtain, with the same words, a text much more concise - thus less cumbersome on the racks - and much more quickly written, certain groups of letters and certain words themselves being represented per less characters than one should not any into integral.

E.g.: the word Braille has 7 characters into integral, 2 in summary

One thus finds two courses, the first being an absolute precondition to the second. Indeed, before understanding that the same symbol can take five different values according to whether it only, is preceded or followed of other symbols, it is initially advisable to have a perfect command of the symbols of the integral alphabet, explained in the first course.

To learn the integral Braille

  • Integral Braille
  • Study of the first series
  • Study of the second series
  • Study of the third series
  • Study of the fourth series
  • Figures and letters
  • Conversation
  • Roman numerals and ordinal numbers
  • Initials and abbréviations
  • How to underline
  • Usual units
  • Count of the characters Brailles

Question of improving the course, one would gain to explain how one can carry out the exercises and where to get the tools for embosser sheets or to make tactile a screen of computer. It is possible to find of the assistance to this level on the network of reference for the blind men in Internet: The network

Run of Braille


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