
Publié le 06 novembre 2003 Mis à jour le 06 novembre 2003

Apprendre à jouer aux échecs

In more of the definitions, examples, illustrations, quotations, animation and of a navigation to several intereliés modes, you will find there a course basic on line or to download completely.


"the set of failures explained" is a didactic site of a great effectiveness to learn the set of failures or to improve.

In more of the definitions, examples, illustrations, quotations, animation and of a navigation to several intereliés modes, you will find there a Course basic on line or to download completely.

To learn how to play the failures

  • general considerations
  • geography of the chess-board
  • the description of the parts and the initial position
  • the walk of the parts
  • the value of the parts and rules of ethics
  • the algebraic notation
  • castling
  • end of the part

and several other culture or advanced course around the failures

  • History
  • Openings
  • Tactics
  • Strategy
  • Networks of chechmate
  • Symbols
  • Rules
  • Culture
  • Books
  • Quotations

in more of the external resources...

" the set of failures explained" is a complete, sober and aesthetic gate. Beautiful work.

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