
Publié le 15 avril 2004 Mis à jour le 15 avril 2004

Comment acheter une maison. Inspection et vérifications

Invaluable councils which save time and to avoid the errors.


To visit, revisit, decide.... when one wants to buy a house, especially if one nothing there, one knows cannot itself too what look at and what to consider.

Initially, to learn how to see...

Inspection of your property

The Guides Perrier suggest us the fundamental points to inspect before buying. 90 % of the avoided errors!


The purchase of a house stage by stage

In collaboration with the central Company of mortgage and housing, a Canadian government agency of promotion of access to the property for the citizens, you will find the step clearly explained.

What it is necessary to do before putting its house on sale, according to the SCHL

The SCHL lavishes its councils with the salesmen. To keep a real park of quality, the responsibility is shared. The councils are also worth for the purchasers.

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