
Publié le 19 août 2004 Mis à jour le 19 août 2004

Gérontologie en institution - Manuel de situations - Apprentissage en contexte


Realized by Monique Zambon, here thirty eight scenes of the everyday life in institution for old people, being held morning at the evening and in which you will have...

  • To analyze this "which does not go" in the attitude or the behavior of the speaker  
  • To make the synthesis of what would be adequate control in this scenario

Put in context in comic strip, these scenes make include/understand what a whole course can have of the difficulty of communicating: what can feel an old person made dependent...

It acts of a sensitizing on abuses by negligence or omission being able to be exerted against the old people. Even without bad intentions, one can misuse since often these people are not able to be opposed to a form of action which thwarts their will or which is misunderstood... what involves frustrations and anger that one will be able to interpret in various ways but in which the source is the form of the proper actions of the personnel...

Gerontology in institution is a site of references which offers various documents and services to the personnel accompanying the old people. One finds there excellent references, practical and full with good direction.

By reading them one is astonished by the situation in certain hearths for old people and one includes/understands better then how the staff training can be important and at which point it misses. This site and this formation in comic strip try to fill these lacks.

Note: with the opening of the site you will be accomodated by a publicity of Lycos... await two or three seconds and it will disappear. It is apparently the price to be paid for a free resource...

Comic strip " Sensitizing on abuses by negligence or omission being able to be exerted against the old people"

Gerontology in institution

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