
Publié le 13 avril 2006 Mis à jour le 13 avril 2006

Quatre saisons sans pesticides - Adalia et outils pédagogiques

To inform and sensitize in a durable way children so that they become, tomorrow, of the respectful adults of the environment, but also to touch the adults



In the series "to garden", here another interesting site: Ladybirds conceived by Adalia association with the support of the Minister for the Environment and Town planning, Regional planning for the Walloon Area in Belgium.

The asbl Adalia aims to inform and sensitize in a durable way the children so that they become, tomorrow, of the respectful adults of the environment, but also touch the adults in order to encourage them to decrease the use of the pesticides at the house and the garden. Within this framework, it develops a program of information on the alternative methods of fight with the pesticides.

You will find on the site several ludic courses to discover "the world of the ladybird", friend of the gardener: children, juniors, teachers (teaching activities and files).

"Four seasons without pesticides - Tricks and easy ways" will help you to cultivate your garden by finding solutions with the encountered problems.


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