
Publié le 26 mai 2005 Mis à jour le 26 mai 2005

Sais-Je? - Éducation à la citoyenneté


Conceived and realized starting from the interrogations received from pupils of the colleges and colleges of Martigues, Arles and Marseilles, software SAISJE* regoupe answers of the professionals (magistrates, doctors, welfare officers, teachers...) to the questions most often put by the teenagers, or to those which are not posed to the adult by embarrassment or ignorance of the people to whom to address itself. * Saisje = Health - Teenagers - Information - Social - Justice - Education

This interactive software with its quiz and its presentations makes it possible each one to take advantage of its rights and to discover its obligations.

Remote loading of the software do I KNOW? 1 900 KB - for Windows

Mëme is it is not a question of a course or of a software, also let us underline this initiative of the CNDP (national Center of teaching documentation): " To educate against racism"

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