
Publié le 25 août 2005 Mis à jour le 25 août 2005

Comment Java

The ESSI is a center of studies of the University of Nice. Among the Web pages of its professors, "How Java" devotes himself to the data-processing language Java. Data-processing resources, downloadable supports of course and many corrected exercises, useful for the students as with the teachers. An initiation preliminary to the programming is however essential to benefit from it.


The ESSI (Higher School in Data-processing Sciences) is a center of studies of the University of Nice-Sofia Antipolis. The teacher-researchers and the students place at the disposal of the public of many resources data processing. Note however that they are the property of their authors.

Among the Web pages of the professors, " How Java" devotes himself to the data-processing language Java. This site, maintained by professors Buffa, Sander and Grin particularly held our attention, from its richness, its diversity and its immediate utility.

The data processing specialists bleaches on grass some as much as the data processing specialists raftered there will find their happiness. This page draws up a list with accompanying notes of many bonds:

  • data-processing resources (attention, the date of update of this page remained at 1997; it is surely an error),
  • downloadable supports of course on various parts of the Java universe,
  • many corrected exercises, useful for the students as with the teachers,
  • and presentation of the projects "Java" of the ESSI (for information).

With you to discover the possibilities offered by these sites.

In short, this site will be very useful for the professional data processing specialists as with the informed amateurs. The resources and the courses suggested can support the work of the students and the professors, but they will also make it possible the others car-to be formed on Java technology. For the latter, an initiation preliminary to the programming is obviously essential.

How Java

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