
Publié le 16 février 2006 Mis à jour le 16 février 2006

Toujours des Mots - Pour s’amuser en apprenant le français

One plays with extracts of French songs to improve oral comprehension and to improve the French dictation in the form of a sympathetic nerve pun and orthography.


To listen to this news


This year, my Profs of French are called Mrs France GALL, Mr Charles AZNAVOUR, Mr George BRASSENS, Mr Francis CABREL (inter alia!)...

What could be to better learn or improve its French to have stars of the French song as professor?

The fact of listening to French songs helps with better including/understanding certain sentences and distinguishing from new words.

On the site Always of the Words, one plays with extracts of French songs to improve oral comprehension and to improve the French dictation in the form of a sympathetic nerve pun and orthography.

  • To learn French while playing with French songs,
  • To improve its oral comprehension,
  • Correction of orthography,
  • Plays of dictation,
  • Definitions of the words,
  • Evaluation in real time,
  • Statistics of performance,
  • 3 levels of difficulty...

Then, do not hesitate to play and when you find the good answers, enjoy the applause! ISI_LISTEN_STOP

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