
Publié le 03 juin 2004 Mis à jour le 03 juin 2004

Cours de Turc

An initiative of impassioned Turkish and French origin.


Run of Turk addresses itself to all those which wish to be familiarized with Turkish whatever their objectives. Developed by impassioned Turkish and French origin, this initiative completely voluntary, is financed and independent.

It is learned that the Turkish language spoken in Turkey forms part of a family of Ural-Altaic languages called "agglutinant" including the kirghiz, Kazakh, the Uzbek, the ouïgour, the turkmene, the azeri, etc. These languages are spoken still nowadays, of Balkans to China.

With the synopsis:

  • To learn Turkish
  • The Turkish language
  • A little history
  • Alphabet
  • Grammar The grammar of Turkish is unaware of any grammatical kind (male, female, neutral), and any rule of agreement, which facilitates its training enormously.
  • Vocalic harmony
  • Suffixes
  • Vocabulary
  • Useful expressions
  • Proverbs The wise one does not say what it knows, the stupid one does not know only it says.
  • Dictionary

Good work then.

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