
Publié le 27 janvier 2005 Mis à jour le 27 janvier 2005

Le Petit guide du traducteur

It tries to summarize information which the translator needs and to define standards making it possible to make the presentation of the translations coherent.


The Small guide of the translator of Jean-Philippe Guérard is the fruit of the experience accumulated by the project in the practical French adaptation of guides (howto).

It tries to summarize information which the translator needs and to define standards making it possible to make the presentation of the translations coherent. You can diffuse it and modify it according to terms’ of the free Art licence.


  1. Introduction
  2. Before starting
  3. Translation
    • To recognize the format of the document
    • The DocBook format
    • The coding of the text
    • The punctuation
    • The title
    • The name of the translator and the relector
    • The version
    • The date
    • The history of the revisions
    • The summary
    • The licence of the document
    • Electronic addresses
    • Titles of the sections
    • The section "Comments and corrections"
    • The section "News poured of this document"
    • Bonds and references
    • Blocks of literal text
    • Scripts and extracts of code
    • Captures of screens and examples
  4. Once finished translation
  5. Appendices

The Small guide of the translator , an excellent idea.

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