
Publié le 06 janvier 2005 Mis à jour le 06 janvier 2005

Administrateur Réseaux

Yann Duchemin undertook to clearly explain us and without concession how to inter-connect networks and also the principles of bases of protocol TCP/IP which is used by these networks.


Yann Duchemin undertook to clearly explain us and without concession how to inter-connect networks and also the principles of bases of protocol TCP/IP which is used by these networks.

If you are useful yourselves of these supports of courses alone, we do not say that you will include/understand all the first blow and without external assistance.

On the other hand, if you have already a certain reality of the networks, then these detailed explanations will surely enable you to much better include/understand that in question when technicians make you share of their problems.

In the two documents, while adding the basic definitions, one would really arrive at open references. For the moment the first walk is a little high, but quality is there.

  • Interconnection of Networks

    This document of 40 pages brings detailed concepts on the principal protocols of routing used today, in order to help to diagnose the problems of communications LAN (Local Area Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network) while taking charges the routers of them. The protocols of routing there are approached.

    To download

  • TCP/IP

    This document of 31 pages in pdf format explains the basic concepts of the protocol Internet network: the TCP/IP, One finds there exercises and examples of plans of addressing as well as the explanations of the protocols of communication and routing.

    To download

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