
Publié le 26 novembre 2001 Mis à jour le 26 novembre 2001

Comment chercher sur Internet

Primarily practice: specialized courriel, cat, but also repertories, mp3 and others


The agency Science Press proposes its new course of research on Internet. A simple and effective formula offered free to all the Net surfers who wish to cut through a path through the Fabric.

A course which already proved reliable at several companies and near thousands of people.

In fact, primarily of the practice: specialized courriel, cat, but also repertories, mp3 and others


  • The electronic mail, the cats, and list them distribution
  • Tools of research (list the robos research workers)
  • To seek in a repertory
  • Meta-tools
  • Libraries of on your premise
  • Virtual bookshops
  • Associations
  • Dictionaries and encyclopaedias
  • Biographical repertories
  • Governmental sites
  • The mégas sites of references
  • Biographies
  • Innovations and cuffs
  • Music
  • The cinema in Canada and Quebec
  • The cinemas French and American repertories

How to seek on Internet

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