
Publié le 16 février 2006 Mis à jour le 16 février 2006

Histoire des doctrines pédagogiques

For the students and professors in sciences of education and, overall, in social sciences, like in initial formation and continues trades of education


These 12 lessons of the course of history of the teaching doctrines can be used by students and professors in sciences of education and, overall, in social sciences. They are also documents usable in initial and continuous training of the trades of education (teaching, frameworks educational, social workers, etc).

History of the teaching doctrines

This course includes/understands twelve meetings presented below each one in the form of detailed plan, with the texts of illustration as well as the exercises of accompaniment.

  • Pedagogy and sciences of education
  • The tension founder of the teaching reflexion: to domesticate and free
  • The principle of freedom and the teaching centration on the subject
  • The principle of educability and the teaching centration on the culture
  • The articulation enters educability and freedom: the teaching action like trick
  • The trick with the desire of the other, or pedagogy with the catches with the ?project?
  • The trick with the mental activity of the other, or pedagogy with the catches with the construction of the knowledge.
  • The trick with the place of the other, or how to allow him to release itself from the teaching relation of subjection
  • Teaching trick with the pedagogy of the mediation: to bind/untie/connect
  • The pedagogy and the principle of autonomy
  • Autonomy with freedom: towards the ?separation of the capacities? in education
  • Pedagogy enters the didactic instrumentation and the ethical interpellation

Complementary documents

  • What education and training?
  • Reference mark and tensions to think the history of teaching modernity, pedagogy, history and stakes

To go to History of the teaching doctrines

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