
Publié le 20 mars 2002 Mis à jour le 20 mars 2002

Cours de CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

Learn and apply the bases of the programming with cgi


Here a model of course by electronic mail and Internet which gives many ideas as for the innovating ways to use Internet to learn. It is offered by the French-speaking Directory of scripts cgi.

The principle of the Course of cgi is simple:

  • You subscribe with the list: [email protected].
  • One sends to you a lesson per week with the detailed explanations. You try to include/understand, to modify a little bit
  • You carry out the exercises.
  • You are useful yourselves of the resources of the site if need be, of the files of the forum and the references.
  • If you have problems, you communicate with the other students by the means of the list. All the students recoivent your communications. You answer when you are able. Certain questions being relatively frequent, it is possible to check the files of the mailing lists to see whether the question has déja posed and especially if somebody has déja answered.
  • As a last resort, there is the instigator of the site which will answer you.

Simple, effective, collective, always up to date and more and more rich person.

The goal of these courses (or rather explanations) is to provide you the bases enabling you to develop your own scripts cgi. It thus does not act of a course of programming or algorithmic. The language which is used is the Perl because it is easy to learn.

Tackled subjects

  • Principle of the cgi, installation...
  • Recovery and posting of information of a form (by using and
  • Recovery of the contents of a form and recording of information in a file.
  • Simple research in a file.
  • Sending of a mall via Sendmail or a waiter smtp.
  • Cookies with

Run of cgi

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