
Publié le 15 mai 2002 Mis à jour le 15 mai 2002


Simulation of a course of piloting very succeeded.


The plays vidéos do not have and rightly, always the dimension near the parents and of the trainers but there is, extremely fortunately, of the exceptions like the simulators.

The flight simulators are, among the video games, most completed. Some as "Flight simulator" are with y mépendre with reality and their use is regarded as too complex by more one.

Although not announcing itself as being a teaching activity, the site of Cyberavia carried out by Fabrice Erdinger can, in my humble opinion, to be used as example for the cyberformateurs, under many aspects. The use of a scenario stuck on the reality which holds account of the progression of each trainee, the theoretical courses in relation to the subject and finally the implementation of the theory.

From the graphic interface of CyberAvia, the student controls beginner or expert, can choose missions, prepare flight plans, send reports/ratios of mission, obtain wages, form part of a team, exchange information, propose other missions, etc.

When with the checking of knowledge, that is done in real time, test, just to see!

A very successful formation.


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