
Publié le 26 mars 2003 Mis à jour le 26 mars 2003

Atelier du chanteur

The workshop of the singer is clearly a professional site of quality and simplicity. What to at least help the thousands of grass singer with déveloper their voice as well as their gestural.


Created by Alain Zürcher in 1998, the Workshop of the singer is a very stripped site where one uses the Web to communicate and put in network most effectively and quickly possible.

You will find there exercises, explanations, the bases, partitions, a glossary, articles, the method of Vaccai song and several other services. All the services of introduction are free, and it costs of them 20 euros per year for the remainder.

  • The physical exercises intended for the heating of the singers, are presented using animated silhouettes.
  • The vocal exercises are noted musicalement and you can also listen to them.
  • To post and listen to the partitions, a appliquette (plug-in) is downloadable. As it acts of one of the tools most used in the medium of the music in Internet, it acts of a valid operation which takes only a few minutes.

The workshop of the singer is clearly a professional site of quality and simplicity. What to at least help the thousands of grass singer with déveloper their voice as well as their gestural. Indeed, to sing is sometimes a question of voice!

The Workshop of the singer

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