
Publié le 08 avril 2003 Mis à jour le 08 avril 2003

Star Académie - Apprendre le métier de vedette

Altogether, of very accessible work, rather well done and especially one crowned lesson of opportunism for the creators of course.


In Quebec " Star academy" attracts more than 1 million televiewers at each week, and that lasts!

The idea to follow week after week and in their intimacy the evolution of a band of apprentice-high-speed motorboats is not new. The style "Loft story" is not close becoming exhausted.

Internet now brings a new dimension to the business, in addition to the vote of the public, which decides partly which participant is eliminated and of which other continues, Internet allows the interactions of all kinds. And as long as to have people on the site, why not occupy them a little more...

Bing E-formation!

Hugues Chicoine, a free student of the Tele-University, seized all the potential of the occasion and undoubtedly retained the lesson of marketing well "What counts is the distribution".

All understood that an academy with a course accessible to all is a much better academy for the public! It thus produced a course for the Academy.

The course in question is free and offers several modules in

  • song,
  • dance,
  • image and presentation,
  • théatre and
  • wellbeing.

You will find there the receipts of manufacture of the high-speed motorboats, the unit presented in 8 accessible lessons.

The site also offers a report card and a prize list of the 20 best students of the week. The promoters find their profit there because it is necessary to be registered (free) to be able to reach the tests or the tools.

Altogether, of very accessible work, rather well done and especially one crowned lesson of opportunism for the creators of course.

Run of Star academy

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