
Publié le 06 avril 2006 Mis à jour le 06 avril 2006

Jardihaie - Le jardin et la haie

You will also go to discovered from the soil


Jardihaie is a personal site of one impassioned of the garden to the naturalness, Didier Delorme.

This site, rather detailed and didactic, will give you many councils to design and maintain a garden with the naturalness.


The natural garden, it is first of all to apply the rotation of crops to the kitchen garden, but is also to respect the guiding principles of the natural gardening.

Fifty-eight vegetables of the kitchen garden are presented on these pages with their associations favorable to the kitchen garden.

The wild flowers are also presented with their characteristics.

You will also go to discovered from the soil, with the meeting of the hedges, of their origin, their utility. Councils are also proposed to you if you wish to plant a hedge.

Jardihaie abounds in information to start to garden with the naturalness.

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