
Publié le 20 mai 2003 Mis à jour le 20 mai 2003

Simulations boursière Trader St

What is formidable with this simulation, it is that it is pressed on the true purse and that your "virtual" placements can thus be called to fluctuate according to the most improbable risks’ of the topicality. That of pleasure! One can also compare oneself to the other virtual small-time speculators.


Even if you know nothing there, " Trader one line" offers best environments to interest you in the purse: you start with 100 000 Euros of capital to place among 700 of the companies dimensioned at the Paris Bourse.

You have access to the First market, Second market, Nouveau market, etc, where the companies are with dimensions.

To play, the inscription is easy and fast, the interface is clear and the whole of a sobriety of most effective.

The values of the actions are updated at every 30 minutes and, oh wonder of data processing, all calculations are carried out automatically.

The menu enables you to consult your wallet, to buy or sell, to consult the history of your operations, the rules which apply to the transactions or to reach to the councils and tools of the pros.

Indeed, the bond "Web purse" carries out you towards the sites where the pros of the purse take their councils.... it is not long which one lets oneself take with the play.

I thus discovered that some of my purchases were really not recommended. Better is thus worth to inform itself with several sources before buying.

What is formidable with this simulation, it is that it is pressed on the true purse and that your "virtual" placements can thus be called to fluctuate according to the most improbable risks’ of the topicality. That of pleasure! One can also compare oneself to the other virtual small-time speculators.

All the site of Trader One line is built for an exploration without pain of the world of the purse. One leaves you quiet. But when you want to play "for truth", Web purse, the godfather of this site, will be obviously placed best to accomodate you.

In short, of the beautiful work of education and marketing.

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