
Publié le 26 juillet 2006 Mis à jour le 26 juillet 2006

Simulateur de vol spatial Orbiter


For trained astronauts, the key operations offer very few differences with what they tried out in the simulator, with share the fact that they are attached in their seat not to fly away.

You can as involve yourselves on the Orbiter simulator and face the same challenges as the astronauts.

However, one is far from the commercial approximations, you will not draw any without reading, Orbiter is a little too realistic and complex for that.

Before discouraging you, you can seek answers on the forums French-speaking person and english-speaking, it is probable that your questions were already put. The veterans are there to help you but do not like too much to repeat itself, especially if the answer is lower in the forum.

The basic commands control the points of view, in all the directions, the passage of a vessel fastened with the other, the engines principal, the secondaries of altitude, propulsion, of braking or rotation, the acceleration or the deceleration of unfolding and several other functions.

In addition to the visual one, speedometers, radars, lasers and other tools of navigation and communication help you in your operations which it is a question of going in orbit, to turn over on ground, of amarer at the orbiting station, going on mission interplanetary or different.

In short, it acts clearly of a simulator rather than a play; to go in orbit means more than to light a rocket and to point towards the target; if you test that, you simply will crush you at the end of your parabolic course, the empty tanks or will strike the orbiting station which will arrive towards you at 40 000 km/hre in opposite direction!

Ca quickly becomes as so either interesting as a play, especially when one decides to go about Mars...

Site to download To orbit - 273 mbs PC, Free. Site school To orbit it

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