
Publié le 22 juin 2006 Mis à jour le 22 juin 2006

Biologie cellulaire animée : voyage en images et explications

Pleasure of exploring biological complexity.


The slow work of examination and discovered cytologists (expert of the alive cells) constitutes the base of our knowledge in biology.

The microscope gave us our first blows of eye in this small world, but it is only with the wire of the development of the techniques of colouring, culture, biochemistry, genetics and good of other wonders which one arrived at the mitochondries and other corpuscles and a certain comprehension of dynamics and functions of all the structures of the cells, and even still, one continues to discover some.

To arrive at illustrating well the interrelationships, what could be better than of the animations of quality decorated of explanations.

It is what offers animatedthe cellular Biologie site.

Work of quality, it would gain however with being enriched by a glossary of the definitions of all the terms employed, like "histone" or "adénine". Otherwise, to benefit from it fully, it is necessary to accompany the visit by a good reference or a detailed handbook.

But the pleasure of exploring this rich person site remains, even if all the first blow is not included/understood and that the explanations often change point of view; it is a little the reflection of biological complexity.


  • Amino acids and proteins
  • Principal cellular functions
  • Cellular anatomy
  • Menbranes cellular
  • Structure of chromosome
  • Diffusion
  • ADN
  • Evolution
  • Glycolysis
  • The apparatus of Golgi
  • Cycle of Krebs
  • Meïose
  • Mitochondries
  • Mitosis
  • pH
  • Photosynthesis
  • Water

Animated cellular biology

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