
Publié le 05 août 2004 Mis à jour le 05 août 2004

Learning by Doing: CISCO Certified Network Administrator


Matt Basham is a professor of technology information and safety of the networks to the college St Petersburg College in Clearwater in Florida.

It estimates that more than 750,000 people downloaded her handbook " Learning by Doing: Cisco Certified Network Administrator 3.0", which provided to the students in technology of the networks the kind of practical and real competences which are sought by the employers of the numerical world.

The document of 800 pages is downloadable free, is easy to read and is accesible than the proper contents of course of Cisco.

By combining the theory and the skills of basic networking, the handbook reinforces the critical concepts and teaches how to apply them in real situations.

To download


Learning by Doing - Cisco Certified Network Administrator Textbook (7 megs)

To buy a hard copy


Cisco Networking Academies

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