
Publié le 05 mai 2005 Mis à jour le 05 mai 2005

Dessin, peinture sculpture

Crossroads Internet of the professional artists, in becoming or amateurs. Many activities and courses of drawing, painting and sculpture! How to obtain good results by amusing you. Directed towards the practice, the courses diffuse the basic techniques with the greatest number to make the promotion of the artistic disciplines among the Net surfers. With your brushes, pencils and charcoals!


The site Super Art wants to be a crossroads Internet for the professional artists, in becoming or amateurs. Here how the originators of the site present themselves:

Our ambition is to help you with better practising your art while enabling you to communicate in connection with our common passion, the practice of the artistic activities. The forum is at your disposal. Do not miss our courses by drawing nor our practical cards. Do not hesitate to make share of your desires, this site is yours and lives only by you! The more you take part, the better it is.

The disciplines concerned are mainly graphic: painting, the drawing and sculpture. The team of Super Art thus proposes to you many activities (it is a place of exchanges) and especially the courses of drawing, painting and sculpture!

In fact obviously the courses on line particularly held our attention. They relate to artistic techniques. That does not make you an artist, but you will know at least how to try to be one for it... or how to obtain good results by amusing you with brushes.

You currently have access to the following courses in line, divided into three categories.

Run of drawing

  • The prospect
  • Principles of development
  • Use of graphics
  • Proportions and short cuts, etc.

Run of painting

  • To work the watercolour
  • Composition, golden section
  • To carry out a washing
  • Seek compo, etc.

Run of sculpture

  • Modelling
  • The alive model
  • The mould out of latex, etc.

Each course rich (it makes it tower of the question), well is written and directed towards the practice. One diffuses there the basic techniques with the greatest number to make the promotion of the artistic disciplines among the Net surfers.

You also have access to practical cards and articles chosen, a forum and a gallery of artists.

Grass artists, with your brushes, pencils and charcoals!

Super Art

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