
Publié le 27 novembre 2002 Mis à jour le 27 novembre 2002

La gestuelle de l’escalade

The climbing is a highly technical activity calling upon a work of complex coordination being based on mechanics and physics.


To run, jump, launch... and why not climb? The climbing is a highly technical activity calling upon a work of complex coordination.

The gestural one of the climbing of J.P. Borel thus proposes didactic tools for the climbing one being based on mechanics and physics.

Seven chapters are approached in detail and follow-ups of tests of evaluation of knowledge:

  • Concept of catch and supports.
  • Lines of supports, balancing.
  • To draw, tractor draw or push, be fixed, support and why not scratch?
  • Resolution of hinge principles, rules of action.
  • Hinges and ceiling.
  • Vertical shift of the catches use of the principle of the chock.
  • Distribution weight hand feet and consequences

The various postures reviewed starting from illustrated examples of photographs and sketch for better including/understanding centre of gravity, rotation, line of action and force. The whole is accompanied by a lexicon of technical terms.

A video section can be obtained by ordering the cédérom course.

The gestural one of the climbing .

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