
Publié le 31 mai 2007 Mis à jour le 31 mai 2007

Didacticiel de Biologie Végétale

Cell, fabrics, reproduction?


?There is 4,5 billion years, the Earth’s atmosphere was made up only of steam, of carbon dioxide, dioxide of sulphur, and nitrogen. Oxygen was present only at the state of trace. It is the appearance of cells able to carry out the photosynthetic act, i.e. to combine the water and the carbon dioxide while releasing from oxygen thanks to the luminous energy absorption, which stimulated the evolution of more complex forms of life which are at the origin of the vegetable and animal organizations ".

Teachware of Vegetable Biology explore:

  • Characteristics of the plants
    • The vegetable cell
    • Fabrics
    • The autotrophie of the plants: photosynthesis
    • Vegetative multiplication and totipotentiality of the vegetable cell
    • Reproduction: the alternation of the generations
  • The vegetable kingdom
  • Genetically Modified organizations (GMO) (into external)
  • Test your knowledge
  • Lexicon
  • Bibliography

This site was carried out within the framework of the training course of the Control of Biology Cellular and Vegetable Physiology of the University François Rabelais by Vincent Tandart.

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